
The daughters of a serial killer are pursued by a guy who wears the same mask as their father and who is also determined to kill them and everyone around them, including other survivors of the past massacre. So today, Scream 6. The film begins with a girl in a restaurant waiting for a young man she apparently met through a dating app, when at that the man calls her on the phone to tell her he's lost and doesn't know how to get there. Something that the woman finds amusing and while they wait to see each other they talk a bit on the phone, through which we realize that the woman is a film professor at a university and that she particularly teaches classes on killer movies. But what is really important is that, as in any horror movie, the woman decides to do everything that should never be done, such as leaving the restaurant to meet her date. Until at one point he tells her that he is in the middle of an alley and begins to say that someone is following him, which obviously should have made the woman run for help, but as it could not be otherwise, the woman decides to enter the alley alone where she obviously ends up dying at the hands of the star of this film, the Ghostface. The thing is that at that very moment the killer takes off his mask and turns out to be a boy named Jason, which after that goes to his dorm room at the university, when on the way he meets Tara, one of the daughters of the most famous killer of the mask and who invites the boy to a fraternity party. Once at home the boy receives a call from his best friend with whom he planned the murder of his teacher, but Jason is surprised because they had agreed that they would not use the voice of the murderer, but in fact the guy does not pay much attention and the conversation continues. And then there this one tells his supposed friend what it felt like to kill the teacher and stuff until at one point the guy on the phone tells his friend that he's in the house and to play hot and cold. So with that the phone guy guides the guy to the fridge where he finds his real friend in pieces and to top it off behind him the real Ghostface appears, who obviously finishes the guy off in a rather painful way. So now the movie moves forward and we meet again another of the usual protagonists of this saga, Samantha, who is found in an appointment with a therapist who tells her that she must open up more in order to help her, but when the girl confesses to him that she is the daughter of the original mask killer and that she was the one who killed him, and her ex-boyfriend Richie, who was also a serial killer, and to top it all off she confesses to the therapist that it felt really good to do it, which causes the man to be completely terrified to the point that he asks her to leave and that she must report what she told him to the police. Back at home Samantha talks to her friend Queen about where her sister is and she ends up confessing that they are at a frat party, so the girl immediately heads to the site where we meet more of our protagonists, as Mindy who tries to protect Tara from a guy who was taking her to the room to do dirty things, but he doesn't listen to her and only stops until another of our guys named Chad, who is quite strong and his friend Ethan confront the guy, when Sam arrives and without thinking twice decides to make the young man never have children. The thing is that once on the street Tara gets upset with her sister for embarrassing her in front of everyone and for meddling too much in her life, when in that a group of girls pass by and intimidate Samantha since thanks to the always reliable internet, the rumor spread that Richie, the psycho ex-boyfriend of our protagonist was innocent and that she was the one who organized all the massacres to continue with her father's legacy. Back at home Tara talks to Quinn who apologizes for telling her sister where she was and also tells her that this is how families are, even telling her that when her brother died her father became so overprotective that he moved to her town so he could keep a close eye on her.


連続殺人犯の娘たちは、父親と同じマスクをかぶった男によって追跡され、過去の大虐殺の他の生存者を含む、彼らとその周りのすべての人を殺そうと決心しています.今日、スクリーム 6. この映画は、女の子がレストランで出会い系アプリで知り合ったと思われる若い男性を待っているところから始まります。そこに着く。女性が面白いと感じ、お互いに会うのを待っている間に電話で少し話していると、その女性が大学の映画教授であり、特にキラー映画の授業を教えていることがわかります。しかし、本当に重要なことは、どのホラー映画でもそうであるように、女性は、デートに会うためにレストランを出るなど、決してしてはいけないことをすべて行うことを決定するということです.ある時点で、彼は路地の真ん中にいると彼女に話し、誰かが彼を追いかけていると言い始めるまで、明らかに女性は助けを求めて走らなければなりませんでしたが、そうでなければできなかったので、女性は入ることにしました彼女が明らかにこの映画のスター、ゴーストフェイスの手で死ぬことになる路地だけ。問題は、その瞬間、殺人者がマスクを脱いでジェイソンという名前の少年であることが判明したことです.マスクの最も有名な殺人者であり、少年を友愛パーティーに招待する人物.家に帰ると、少年は教師の殺害を計画した親友から電話を受けましたが、ジェイソンは殺人者の声を使わないことに同意したので驚いていますが、実際には男はあまりお金を払っていません注意して会話を続けます。そして、ある時点で、電話の男が彼の友人に、彼は家にいて、暑くて寒くて遊ぶように言うまで、これは彼の想定される友人に教師などを殺すのがどのようなものかを伝えます。それで、電話の男は男を冷蔵庫に案内し、そこで彼は本当の友達がバラバラになっているのを見つけ、彼の後ろに本物のゴーストフェイスが現れ、明らかにかなり痛い方法で男を終わらせます。さて、映画は前進し、この物語のいつもの主人公の一人であるサマンサに再び会います。サマンサは、彼女を助けるためにもっと心を開かなければならないと彼女に告げるセラピストとの約束で発見されましたが、女の子が告白したとき彼女は元のマスクキラーの娘であり、彼を殺したのは彼女であり、彼女の元ボーイフレンドのリッチーも連続殺人犯であり、その上、彼女はセラピストにそれが感じたことを告白しますそれをするのは本当に良いことです。 そのため、男性は完全に恐怖に陥り、彼女に立ち去るように頼み、彼女が彼に言ったことを警察に報告しなければなりません.家に帰ると、サマンサは友人のクイーンに妹の居場所を話し、結局彼女は友人のパーティーに参加していることを告白するので、少女はすぐにサイトに向かい、タラを守ろうとするミンディとして、より多くの主人公に会います。汚いことをするために彼女を部屋に連れて行っていた男から、しかし彼は彼女の言うことを聞かず、チャドという名前の非常に強い別の男と彼の友人のイーサンがその男に立ち向かうまで立ち止まり、サムが到着して二度考えずに、若い男に子供を持たせないようにすることにしました。問題は、路上でタラが妹に腹を立て、みんなの前で恥ずかしい思いをしたり、人生に干渉しすぎたりしたことです。私たちの主人公のサイコの元ボーイフレンドであるリッチーは無実であり、彼女は父親の遺産を継続するためにすべての虐殺を組織した人物であるという噂が広まりました.家に帰るとタラはクインと話し、クインは妹に自分の居場所を告げたことを謝罪し、これが家族のあり方だと彼女に話し、兄が亡くなったとき、父親が過保護になりすぎて、彼が住むことができるように彼女の町に引っ越したとさえ言いました。彼女をじっと見つめる。 | ¿Cómo utilizo la traducción de texto inglés-japonés?

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